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Stanton, Netherwitton, Morpeth,
Northumberland, NE65 8PR

01670 772238

01670 772238

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2018-01-03 01:18:03

Opening Days and Hours
Dates/days/times open:

Please check with garden owners or their website to confirm current dates open
Sat 20th April - End of August; Wednesday and Saturday only; 1.30pm - 5pm

Parties/Coaches: Yes

Group visits are very welcomed outside the regular opening times, although closed on Sundays.

Group Appointment: No
House Open for Viewing: No
National Garden Scheme days: Yes

Sat 20 Apr (1.30-4.30)

Best Times of Year to Visit:

Late June

To see:

Himalayan lilies (Cardiocrinum giganteum) in flower

Admission Prices

£3.00; child free
Free to RHS members on production of card for regular opening times only
Group visits min. fee £90

Onsite Facilities
Parking: Yes
Shop: No
Teas: No
Dogs Allowed: No
Lavatories: Yes
Plants for Sale: Yes
Refreshment: No
On Lead only: No
Disabled Access: Yes
Lunches: No
Picnics: No
Special Events: No
Other Facilities & Comments:

Guide dogs only. Partial access for the disabled. Doddington Farm Ice cream on sale.

Garden Features & Events

Nursery specialising in unusual perennials, ferns and grasses, all tried and tested in the garden.

English Heritage/Visit Scotland Garden Grade:
National Collection:


Nearby Cambridgeshire Hotels, Facilities & Amenities

Hotels & Accommodation:

Pele Cottage, Wingates, Longhorsley The Haven, Rothbury

Inns & Pubs:

Beresford Arms, Whalton

Villages / Towns / Sightseeing:
Description of Garden

The garden is set within Northumberland countryside, on an exposed hillside above the Font Valley. The 2 acre garden features large drifts of unusual perennials, grasses and ferns, with the majority of the garden planted informally. Paths and steps meander through natural rock and dry stone walls. A pond and small stream form the focus of the quarry; the damp margins are planted with bog plants and primula. The cool humid atmosphere on the North bank of the quarry provides a home to Cardiocrinum, the Giant Himalayan Lily. The garden also features a large collection of Centaurea all distributed within the matrix of planting.

Adjacent to the garden is a half-acre wild flower meadow that is also home to the beehives. As you enter the garden there is a small nursery selling plants that are propagated from tried and tested stock in the garden. The garden has been featured in television programmes including Gardeners' World, with major articles appearing in leading horticultural magazines, including Gardens illustrated the Royal Horticultural Society Journal and Gardeners World Magazine.

History Of Garden

Originally created out of a small disused sandstone quarry 30 years ago, below adjacent once derelict cottages and outbuildings.

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