Port Lympne Wild Animal Park

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Port Lympne, Hythe,
Kent, CT21 4PD

01303 264647

01303 264944


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Opening Days and Hours
Dates/days/times open:

Please check with garden owners or their website to confirm current dates open All year except Christmas Day; Summer, 10am - 6pm (last admission 4.30pm); Winter 10am - dusk, (last admission 3pm).

Parties/Coaches: Yes

Group booking available at group rates.

Group Appointment: Yes
House Open for Viewing: Yes

Please call before visit because it is often closed in summer.

National Garden Scheme days: No
Best Times of Year to Visit:


To see:

Gardens in full bloom.

Admission Prices

Adults £21.95; Child (4-14) £17.95; Senior Citizens £19.95; Child concession £15.95; Group bookings and annual pass available.

Onsite Facilities
Parking: Yes
Shop: Yes
Teas: Yes
Dogs Allowed: No
Lavatories: Yes
Plants for Sale: Yes
Refreshment: Yes
On Lead only: No
Disabled Access: Yes
Lunches: Yes
Picnics: Yes
Special Events: Yes
Other Facilities & Comments:
Garden Features & Events

Historic Port Lympne mansion and landscaped gardens set in 300 acre Wild Animal Park.

English Heritage/Visit Scotland Garden Grade:
National Collection:
Nearby Cambridgeshire Hotels, Facilities & Amenities

Hotels & Accommodation:

Harbourside B&B, Folkestone


Sandgate Hotel Restaurant La Terrace, Folkestone

Inns & Pubs:

Woolpack, Brookland

Villages / Towns / Sightseeing:
Description of Garden

Port Lympne Historic mansion and gardens is home to some of the country's most spectacular sights with fifteen and a half acres of landscaped gardens. Beautiful and colourful all year round, it features a Lime Avenue and Magnolia Walk. There are also various terraces, enclosed gardens, such as the Sundial or Clock Garden and the Chess-Board garden. Port Lympne also has its own fig yard and the largest privately owned vineyard in Kent. Overall, the gardens have a distinctly Italianate flavour. A spectacular view over Romney Marsh and across the Channel, even of the coast of France on a clear day, is obtained from the top of the 125 step Trojan stairway. The outer part of the gardens are allowed to grow wild to encourage indigenous wildlife.

History Of Garden

The house was built by Sir Herbert Baker in the early years of the 20th century for Sir Philip Sassoon MP. The gardens were originally designed by Sir Philip Sassoon and executed by Philip Tilden from 1919. On purchasing the estate in 1973, John Aspinall, the famous gambling club owner, found that much needed to be done to restore them to their former glory, but was determined to do so and their present magnificent state is the result. The house features spectacular mural rooms and the Rex Whistler Tent Room, recently restored by experts from the Tate Gallery in London.

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